coleman lazy spa reviews

The Coleman Lay-Z Spa is a no-fuss, dependable, and very affordable inflatable spa that is regularly the best-selling hot tub on many websites and online stores. In fact its only real competitor for the top spot is the Intex 77inch PureSpa.

The Lay-Z Spa is simple to set up and easy to use, and requires the minimum of maintenance. At 77 inches diameter, it’s just about big enough to seat 4 adults in comfort. But it’s much better if you see it as a spacious 2-person hot tub with a powerful massage system, courtesy of the 120 bubble jets.

This makes it a good choice if you’re looking for an affordable spa where you can do some hydrotherapy in the privacy of your own home or backyard.

You can see why this hot tub is so popular, and what owners say about it, over on Amazon. You can head over there to read their reviews now – or to check out the latest price – by clicking on this link to Amazon.

 Coleman Lay Z Spa Inflatable Hot Tub

 Powerful 120 air jet massage system

 Digital inflation pump

 104F Rapid heating system

 Inflatable and insulated lid

 Clip-on cover

 Cushioned floor

 Ground mat

 Chemical float

 DVD which shows how to set up and maintain your hot tub

 Puncture repair kit

To show you everything you need to know about this hot tub, including the technical details, we have put together this table. It also compares the Coleman Lay-Z Spa to other budget hot tubs, so you can how it stacks up.

UPDATE: The Coleman Lay-Z Spa is now known as the Coleman SaluSpa. So don’t get confused by their different names. They are exactly the same.

Coleman Lay-Z Spa Features & Comparisons

Background Info

The Lay-Z Spa is made by the American company Coleman, who make a huge range of top quality outdoor recreational goods. We have an entire article on all the Coleman hot tubs you can buy, which you can read for more background information if you wish. It’s over at Coleman Portable Hot Tub Reviews (opens in a new tab).

Their Lay-Z Spa inflatable hot tub is built of 3-ply reinforced TriTech material, which is tough but still comfortable, and made to last through years of everyday use.

Inside the hot tub walls, there’s what is known as an I-Beam construction, which consists of vertical panels of PVC. These make the hot tub super-strong and durable. It also makes it strong enough so you can sit on the sides of your hot tub without it buckling or giving way.

So if you are a little unsteady on your feet, and you need total confidence in the support of the walls as you lean on them to get in and out of the hot tub, then the Coleman Lay-Z Spa is definitely worth checking out.

As well as the internal cushioned floor, you also get a separate ground mat, for extra protection under the spa. The hot tub also has an inflatable and insulated lid, which helps to keep the water hot when you are not using your tub.

For added protection, there’s also an external cover complete with snap-together safety clips. So you can relax in the knowledge that young children cannot get into the tub when you are not around.

AirJet Massage System

The hot tub has the powerful Lay-Z Spa AirJet system, with 120 air jets which give you a great massage. There’s also an integrated filter system to keep your water clean and free from contaminates. It’s important you keep your filter cartridge clean, to keep the water in your hot tub as fresh as possible and to prolong the cartridge’s life, so we recommend you rinse it once a week in cold water. Some people even wash theirs in the dish washer!

As with every feature of this portable hot tub, removing and replacing the filters is extremely simple and requires no special tools or technical skills.

If you want to know more about caring for your hot tub, we have dozens of articles to help you. You might want to start out with one of our most popular pieces How To Keep The Water Clean In Your Inflatable Hot Tub (opens in a new tab).

How To Set Up Your Coleman Lay Z Spa

Even if you’re a complete portable hot tub newbie, your Coleman Lay Z Spa inflatable hot tub takes only 20 minutes to lay-out and inflate.

First, you choose a flat piece of ground or decking area. When it’s full of water, the hot tub weighs about 2,700 lbs. That’s about the same as a small car or U-Haul trailer. So make sure the surface you put it on will take that kind of weight. Check the area is free of sharp objects, such as stones and twigs, then place the ground mat in position.

Next, lay out the hot tub on top of the mat, connect the hot tub to the pump and switch it on. It takes about 5 minutes for your hot tub to inflate, ready to be filled with water.

You only need a normal garden hose to fill the spa with water. Remember to make sure the water level is between the Minimum and the Maximum lines, which are easy to see on the inside wall of the hot tub.

When the hot tub is filled with water, turn on the built-in Rapid heating system, using the digital control panels to select your desired water temperature. If you choose the maximum temperature of 104F (40c), it will take about 24 hours to heat up, depending on the temperature of the water from your hose and the ambient air temperature.

You must put the hot tub lid and cover on, to keep the heat in and to speed up the heating time.

If you want to use your hot tub sooner than 24 hours, you can do what many hot tub owners do and that’s fill the hot tub with hot water from their faucet. This speeds up the heating time and cuts down on heating costs.

One thing you must never do, though, is fill your hot tub with boiling water from a kettle, as this will ruin the hot tub skin.

Relaxing In Your Coleman Hot Tub

When the water is at your desired temperature, simply slip into the soothing warm waters and relax . Everything you need is right at hand. The Digital Control Panel is on the side of the tub, allowing you to turn on the AirJet massage system or give the water temperature a boost.

Once you’re up and running with your new portable hot tub, you might decide to add in a couple of accessories to enhance your spa experience, such as a couple of headrests or perhaps an attachable drinks tray.

We always like to remind people, however, that you don’t necessarily have to buy Lay-Z-Spa accessories, as most hot tub accessories will fit your inflatable hot tub.  So go with the ones that you appeal to you, as long as they have some good reviews and are at a fair price. 

Who Should Buy Coleman Lay Z Spa Inflatable Hot Tub?

  • People who want a very affordable hot tub
  • People who want one of the best-selling inflatable hot tubs of all-time
  • People who are looking for a dependable and sturdy Budget model
  • People who want some great extras included in the price
  • People who want an easy-to-set up and easy-to-use hot tub
  • People looking for one of the best-value round hot tubs on the market

Don’t Buy It

  • If you want an extra-large hot tub that will seat more than 4 adults comfortably
  • If you want your portable hot tub in a different color than the Lay Z Spa’s green

Where To Buy It

We recommend you have a look at the deals on, which is a very safe site to buy big items from, such as inflatable hot tubs. They have great deals which include free shipping in the price – a great bonus for something this bulky and heavy. You can see the best price on Amazon by clicking on our link. We hope this article has proved to be useful! 

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