quartz countertops pricing per square foot

Installation Cost of Quartz Countertops

Expect to pay an average of around $75 per square foot to have new quartz countertops installed in your home. Most homeowners pay in the range of $65 – $85 per square foot, which includes a visit to measure the kitchen or bathroom area where they will be installed, the quartz countertop itself, delivery and all installation labor, as well as all supplies and final fitting done during the install. Removal of your old countertops is usually included in this price, so be sure to clarify that with your installer.

Average Costs

Average Do It Yourself Cost

$58 / Square Foot

Average Contractor Installed Cost

$75 / Square Foot

Typical Cost Average

$65 – $85 / Square Foot Installed

Overview of Quartz Counters

Quartz counters are now the leading competitor to granite for upscale kitchen and bath home improvement, remodeling and construction. Beauty and durability are combined in quartz counters. The material is easy to clean, and its non-porous surface doesn’t have the stain potential of granite. When you factor the quartz countertops price compared to other countertop material with a similar price point, it only makes sense to include this in your kitchen remodel planning.

Did you know that quartz is also called engineered stone? It’s made from 93% quartz chip and dust held together with polyester resin binders that are pigmented to give the countertop its color. The process gives manufacturers control of the color and appearance. While costs vary, quartz countertops cost is narrower than natural stone, since there are fewer variables in square feet pricing.

Check out material and installation cost factors below that will help you narrow the cost to install quartz countertops you can expect to pay, when you get estimates. Read on for our DIY or Pro installation recommendation, quartz costs from around the web and costs submitted by homeowners in your zip code and a chance to share yours.

Quartz Countertop Project Cost Factors

There are fewer variables with quartz than with granite countertops and marble, but some material factors are in play. Others are related to how much countertop space you need, the fabrication work being done on the slabs and the installation difficulty.

  • Grade of the Quartz: There are three engineered stone grading levels: First quality or first choice ($80-$105 installed) has rich, deep color and consistency. Standard or commercial grade quartz ($70-$95) isn’t as deeply pigmented and has a higher ratio of dust to chips than first quality counters. Seconds or second choice ($55-$75) have the highest ratio of dust to chip, so are plain looking. Grade doesn’t affect strength or durability.
  • Slab Thickness: Slabs 1 or 1.2 centimeters thick are used to create a luxury look on the cheap. They aren’t strong enough for long-term use and should be avoided. Slabs 2cm and 3cm are preferred, with 3cm best for kitchens. Thicker material costs more.
  • Edge Cut: There are many edge styles available. The standard squared edge with slightly rounded corners is called “eased” edge. Complex double-bevel and ogee and similar cuts cost more. The more complex the cut, the higher the cost.
  • Number of sink Holes: Most countertops are estimated with one sink hole. To cut a second hole for a bathroom sink or prep sink in the kitchen will raise the cost.
  • Finish: Manufacturers make several finishes. Silestone, for example, offers polished, suede and volcano, a textured finish like lava stone. There might be some variation in cost based on finish.
  • Slab Size: Oversized slabs used for kitchen islands and peninsulas have a higher cost per square foot due to greater fabrication and installation difficulty.
  • Cost of Living: You’re probably aware whether costs in your area are low (rural, Midwest and South), high (East/West Coast, major metro areas) or average (everywhere else) compared  to other cities or regions of the country. That cost of living will affect quartz installation costs too.

Cost of Quartz Counters and Installation Supplies

Here are average costs for common projects around the home.

Cost by Room or Area

  • Average bathroom countertop: $650 to $1,075
  • Average kitchen countertops: $1,950 to $2,585
  • Kitchen countertops with island: $3,100 to $4,275

Permits, Inspection, , Related Costs and Installation Time

Permits and Inspection Cost

  • $0 | A permit isn’t required for kitchen and bath countertop installation, though of course they are needed for plumbing and electrical work done as part of the construction or remodeling.

Related Costs

While installation is included in most estimates and in our table above, here are labor costs for those considering a DIY project.

  • $85-$215 | Cost to remove and dispose of an existing countertop, if applicable.
  • $8-$15 per square foot | Installation labor cost. Specific cost depends on the size and number of slabs. If you get just installation estimates, expect about $175 for a single-slab bathroom counter or island and up to $300 for a single-slab kitchen counter. For two or three kitchen slabs and an island, cost will rise to an average of $750.
  • $90-$125 | Cutting additional sink holes. Price will exceed $200 if the edge must be polished for an undermount sink.

Countertop Install Time Schedule

Installation of engineered stone counters is quick compared with a concrete or tile countertop. Most is done by a two-person crew. A third person might be required for large slabs.

  • 1 hour or less | Remove the old countertop
  • 1-2 hours | Installation of a single slab counter
  • 3-6 hours | Installation of two or more slabs
  • 6-8 hours | Installations that include an island and/or additional sink holes

We’ve found the projects listed below to be commonly related to having a quartz countertops installed in your kitchen or bathroom.

Are You a Pro Countertop Installer?

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DIY or Hire a Pro?

Quartz countertop installation has its challenges. The material is heavy and hard to handle. The underlying cabinet tops must be very level to prevent unsupported areas of countertop from cracking. Shimming the counters at low points is usually required.

Cutting quartz to compensate for a wall that isn’t quite straight or to create the edge you want is quite difficult. A diamond-blade wet saw technique is required. If those tasks lie within your skill set and you have the tools, DIY installation is possible.

Still, installation cost is just 10% to 15% of the job. You’ll incur 100% of the expense of fixing mistakes. So, we recommend pro installation.

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